We recently sat down to dinner with Peter Schwartz and Ric Poupada of askmen.com, the website that provides a treasure-trove of information about "how to be a better man."
If you haven't checked it out, you should. Ric and his partners have created a real Montreal success story, turning a local start up into a international phenomenon with millions of followers.
The point of the meeting was first and foremost to have an enjoyable dinner, with a couple of nice bottles of wine. Mission accomplished! But we also got together to talk about a few upcoming projects. Ask Men is going to ask moishes for helpful tips on cooking steak, choosing wine and Scotch, and even how to treat a lady on a first date. They'll be shooting the conversations and posting the results on their site.
We think it's the beginning of a beautiful friendship. And as soon as something's posted, you'll be first to know.