Thursday, May 5, 2011

Introducing 3 Hours to Midnight

3 Hours to Midnight is our new after 9 menu, offered every Thursday to Saturday night from 9 to midnight, beginning May 5. Diners will enjoy a starter, main course and hot beverage for only $25.

(Naturally, those who want to select items from our main menu can continue to do so at any time.)

Take a look at the accompanying menu, and you can see that we're offering some new items with a selection of our standards. Moishes has been part of Montreal since 1938, but staying around for another 70 years of more means staying fresh and interesting. We hope you'll agree that this new menu is a great step in that direction.

Why "3 Hours to Midnight?" Because Moishes has always welcomed people from all walks of life to a unique place above The Main. Fast talkers, dreamers, visionaries: they've all come here to feed off the energy of the night. We want to continue to offer the opportunity to share in that story to Montrealers today, along with the reliably delicious food that has always been our trademark.
